I finished taking photos of a bunch of new work yesterday. I'm trying to stagger my uploading of new goodies to my shop - but I couldn't wait to share photos! I had been neglecting necklaces for a long time...I was on such a ring kick for a while...well, still am. So, I went nuts with a bunch of new necklaces. I find them extremely difficult to photograph. Sigh. Rings are my favorite - or studs. Anything teeny tiny I have a much easier time photographing. Earrings I still need work, but they are OK. Necklaces - so hard.
First, are the 3 items that I did end up listing last night - so go check them out!
Wow! Been busy haven't you. Love the little Labradorite Pendant, it's sooo sweet!
ReplyDeleteI have! I see you have too! Glad you are feeling better and getting some time in your studio!